The NFP files
  13 March 2014

Central NY NFP News

The News is directly below, but
Click here for our big collection of general info on Natural Family Planning
Central NY Class particulars  
  Class Schedules and Registration

Married Love and the Gift of Life    The US Catholic bishops (and a large team of clergy and lay people) explain the Catholic teaching on sex, love, and family; specifically to engaged Catholic couples, but applicable to all humans.
Glaucoma risks from contraceptives 3/4/2014

Oral contraceptives linked to Multiple Sclerosis    2/27/2014

Why Contraception is bad for Women   A response to the Obama mandate from the Catholic Medical Association (2012)

 NFP Is...?  An intro video from the diocese of Phoenix (2011)

Updated Class: CCL's NFP program was completely upgraded in 2008, and late in 2011 the Second Edition came out, fine tuning the presentation and rules. If you've taken the old class, don't worry, it will still "work". But the new book (The Art Of NFP Student Guide, second edition) is lots easier to read and understand than the pre-2008 one.  There's a one evening "catch-up" class to update you on the new rules & methodology. It's free for current CCL members (book not included). If you have the First Edition, we can give you a "cheat sheet" with the newer rules; they're not that much different. Call us for info.  We've had other (free) classes for premenopause and postpartum occasionally, depending on your interest; there are Virtual classes held regularly on these topics.

Past goings-on, like our NFP Week celebrations are here.

And that's the news...for now.

  Class Particulars

(Which pretty much apply to most CCL classes)

Coming to a class is the best way to thoroughly learn NFP (other ways are here). The standard CCL class fee is $140 per couple (Virtual Class $150), which includes all the books and materials you need to learn and practice NFP. It also includes a years' membership in CCL and subscription to Family Foundations for your continuing education; plus free Postpartum and Premenopause classes if you're interested. (Ask the pastor at your church if he will pay the fee for you. Some do.)

Class meetings are normally one evening a month for 3 months (3 two-hour meetings total). Each month we teach you a few rules, starting with the basics, and you can put them to use right away on your own cycle. The next meeting gives you some more rules, biological and moral background, chart interpretation practice, and practical tips. And we have a look at your chart to see if you're doing OK (we don't share them).

Every CCL class series worldwide is identical, so the material in meeting 2, for instance, is the same as another class series' meeting 2. So, if you miss one, you can come to another Onsite or Virtual class somewhere else. You can watch the recorded class later, but that's no fun bercause you can't participate. Your fiance/spouse can attend somewhere or sometime else if needed; no extra charge. You can come to any class session anywhere (subject to the Teaching Couple's aprroval), and call/write/e-mail us (or any Teaching Couple, or CCL Central) with questions. But it's best to stick with one TC who you are comfortable with, and knows your situation.

You probably won't need to take notes because it's all in the book. 
You'll need a pencil (with a big eraser) because you'll be doing some practice charts. There's some short reading to do between classes to reinforce what you've learned. 

Our chapter schedules about 4 classes a year, usually in the Fall and Spring to avoid vacations and holidays. Due to popular demand (they're always full), we've been holding them as Virtual classes instead of on-site in Oneida County or Watertown, so anybody on Earth can attend. There are dozens of other CCL Virtual Classes, and they will start at least once a month in your time zone, some en Espanol. You'll need a computer with a broadband Internet connection. If you can watch YouTube videos, it should be OK. Participation is by chat window, or mic and webcam if there's not too many people. 

Other locations and times are driven by demand. If you'd like us to come teach a class somewhere else, let us know. (We will make you do some of the legwork.)

Classes are listed in the Class Finder and should show up when you put in your state or your zip code. Make sure you tick the "Include Virtual Classses" button, although it's best to take an onsite course if one is offered locally.You can sign up right there using a credit card. The Course Kit is sent from CCL Central in Cincinnati after you register, and we get an email saying you're in.

If you have questions, call Mary Margaret and Jim Van Damme in Rome, 339-2143; David and Julie Cook in Watertown, 782-2658; or our promoters, Carol and Dave Armitage, 896-5003, who cover the Utica area, or Terry and Lisa Carguello in Syracuse, 637-9268. Or hit the email button up top. (We're all in the 315 area code.)

Class Dates, Times, Locations and Registration
To find a class anywhere in the USA and Canada, go to the Online Class Registration.
Other places (UK, Cameroon, etc.) write to CCL.

[Contact] Contact the Oneida County Chapter of CCL